2023 New England IRS Representation Conference Day 1
2023 New England IRS Representation Conference Day 1
3 CE/CPE hours | 2 CLE hours (Online)
2023 New England IRS Representation Conference Day 1
3 CE/CPE hours| 2 CLE hours (In-Person)
2023 New England IRS Representation Conference Day 2
2023 New England IRS Representation Conference Day 2
7 CE/CPE hours | 6 CLE Hours (Online)
2023 New England IRS Representation Conference Day 2
7 CE/CPE hours | 6 CLE Hours (In-Person)
Ethical Practice & The Dangers of Getting Too Close to Clients
Return preparers who get too close to their clients may slowly but surely blur the line between an independent preparer and someone who is actively working to achieve a specific result for the client. Loss of independence for a tax preparer can have disastrous results, both civil and criminal. This panel will discuss how to avoid losing independence and what the consequences can be when it happens.
Ethical Practice & The Dangers of Getting Too Close to Clients
1 CE/CPE/CLE Ethics hour (Online)
Ethical Practice & The Dangers of Getting Too Close to Clients
1 CE/CPE/CLE Ethics hour (In-Person)

Green & Sklarz, LLC is the sponsoring organization for Tax Rep LLC’s CPE programming. Green & Sklarz, LLC is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have the final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.learningmarket.org
Green & Sklarz LLC is a registered sponsor of the National Registry of CPE Sponsors, Sponsor Id. No. # 132892

IRS CE will be fulfilled by Green & Sklarz. We are an authorized CPE provider by the IRS (provider #15UFN).

CLE will be fulfilled by myLawCLE.
Accreditation Policy
myLawCLE seeks accreditation for all programs in all states except, ME, VA, and WV. Each attending attorney/paralegal will receive a certificate of completion following the close of the CLE program as proof of attendance. In required states, myLawCLE records attorney/paralegals attendance, in all other states attorney/paralegal is provided with the approved CLE certificate to submit to their state bar or governing association.
Automatic MCLE Approvals
All myLawCLE CLE programs are accredited automatically either directly or via reciprocity in the following states: AK, AR, CA, CT, FL, HI, ME, MO, MT, ND, NH, NM, NJ, NY and VT. (AZ does not approve CLE programs, but accepts our certificates for CLE credit.)
Live Video Broadcasts
Live video broadcasts are new live CLE programs being streamed and recorded for the first time. All of these programs qualify for “Live” CLE credit in all states except NV, OH, MS, IN, UT, PA, GA, and LA —these states require in-person attendance to qualify for “Live” CLE credit.
“Live” Re-Broadcasts
“Live” Re-broadcasts are replays of previously recorded CLE programs, set on a specific date and time and where the original presenting speakers calls in live at the end of the event to answer questions. This “live” element allows for “live” Re-broadcast CLEs to qualify for “Live” CLE credits in most states. [The following states DO NOT allow for “live” CLE credits on re-broadcast CLEs: NV, OH, MS, IN, UT, PA, GA, and LA]
Many states allow for credit to be granted on a 1:1 reciprocal basis for courses approved in another mandatory CLE jurisdiction state. This is known as a reciprocity provision and includes the following states: AK, AR, HI, CT, FL, ME, MO, MT, ND, NH, NM, NJ, and NY. myLawCLE does not seek direct accreditation of live webinars or teleconferences in these states.